Erneuerbare Energie

Um die Erwartungen des ständig wachsenden Bedarfs an Energie zu erfüllen, wendet sich die Welt den erneuerbaren und nachhaltigen Energiequellen zu. Bei vielfältigen Anwendungen, ob Photovoltaik, Windenergie oder Wasserkraft, werden die Kabel oft ungeschützt verlegt.
Die Wartungen an solchen Anlagen sind oft schwierig und entsprechend teuer. Deshalb müssen die Energiekabel auch da, wo sie Wasser, Sturm, Sonne und wechselnden klimatischen Bedingungen ausgesetzt sind, zuverlässig und langlebig sein.

Kabel für Photovoltaik, Windkraft und Wasserkraft

Wir bieten die gesamte Palette an Kabeln für den Anschluss von PV-Paneelen, Windturbinen an Land und auf See einschließlich der Verbindungen zum Verteilnetz. Sie erhalten bei ELTEC ein Kabelsortiment, das die Anforderungen einer elektrischen Anlage, welche starken klimatischen Wechselbedingungen unterworfen ist, erfüllt. Das Sortiment besteht aus einer Kombination von Niederspannungs- und Mittelspannungskabeln:

  • Solarkabel für die Verkabelung der Module
  • Energiekabel mit hohen Brandschutzanforderungen
  • Energiekabel mit Aluminiumleiter für eine gewichtsoptimierte Verlegung
  • Gummikabel
  • Steuer und Signalkabel
  • Mittelspannungskabel aus Kupfer und Aluminium

Hier finden Sie alle Daten auf einen Klick

Name Leiter Klasse Spannungsklasse CPR max Leitertemperatur Brandreaktion
Erneuerbare Energien
Electron beam crosslinked Isolation; excellent high temperature, low temperature, ozone, weathering and abrasion resistance.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Eca 125 °C low smoke fire retardant zero halogen
Electron beam crosslinked Isolation; excellent high temperature, low temperature, ozone, weathering and abrasion resistance.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV 155 °C
Excellent high temperature, low temperature, ozone and weathering resistance, flame retardant, easy to strip and process, heat pressure and highly abrasion resistant, soldering iron resistant, flexible.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV 125 °C flame retardent
Excellent high temperature, low temperature, ozone and weathering resistance, flame retardant, soldering iron resistant, easy to strip and process, compatible to all common resins and varnishes, flexible.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV 150 °C flame retardent
S/FTP Fca 2Y, Cat7
Data transmission cable with individual and collective screen, zero halogen, UV resistant.
Cu Fca 70 °C zero halogen
NBN Installation cable with improved fire characteristics for various industrial and domestic applications.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant
XV flex
Flexible single core power cable with improved fire characteristics for fixed installations.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant
NBN Power cable with reinforced sheath for domestic or industrial application.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 90 °C flame retardent
NBN Armoured power cable with improved fire characteristics for domestic or industrial application.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant
NBN Armoured signalling and control cable with improved fire characteristics.
Cu 1 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant
NBN Armoured signalling and control cable with improved fire characteristics
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant
NBN Power cable with aluminium conductor.
Alu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 90 °C flame retardent
Zero halogen installation cable with improved fire characteristics for various industrial and domestic applications where no mechanical damage is to be expected.
Alu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV 90 °C fire retardant zero halogen low smoke
VDE Power and control cable. For fixed installation indoors and outdoors.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
VDE Power and control cable with concentric copper conductor.
Cu 1 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
VDE Power and control cable with concentric copper conductor.
Cu 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
VDE Power and control cable with aluminium conductor.
Alu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
ÖVE Power and control cable with aluminium conductor.
Alu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
VDE Power cable with aluminium conductor and concentric copper conductor.
Alu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
Zero halogen power cable with copper conductor and improved fire characteristics.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Cca, B2ca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
Zero halogen power cable with concentric copper conductor and improved fire characteristics.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Cca, B2ca 90 °C zero halogen low smoke fire retardant
N2XH flex
Flexible and halogen-free power and control cable with improved fire characteristics for fixed.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV B2ca, Cca 90 °C fire retardant low smoke zero halogen
YMVK Cca flex
Flexible single core power cable with improved fire characteristics for fixed installations.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Eca 90 °C flame retardent fire retardant
YMz1K rss
NEN Zero halogen installation cable with improved fire characteristics for various industrial and domestic application.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Cca, B2ca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
NEN Zero halogen installation cable with improved fire characteristics for various industrial and domestic application.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV B2ca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
Z10-YMz1Kas Cca-B2ca
NEN Armoured safety signalling and control cable.
Cu 1 0,6/1 kV Cca, B2ca 90 °C zero halogen fire retardant flame retardent
RZ1-K (AS)
Flexible and halogen-free power and control cable with improved fire characteristics for fixed installations in industrial or domestic environment and public buildings.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca, B2ca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
Zero halogen aluminium power cable with improved fire characteristics for fixed installation.
Alu 2 0,6/1 kV B2ca, Cca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
Armoured, zero halogen installation cable with improved fire characteristics for domestic and industrial application.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
BS Armoured, zero halogen power cable with improved fire characteristics.
Cu 2 0,6/1 kV 90 °C fire retardant low smoke zero halogen
BS Armoured, zero halogen power cable with improved fire characteristics.
Cu 2 0,6/1 kV 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
Zero halogen, flexible single core power cable with improved fire characteristics for use in photovoltaic systems.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C zero halogen fire retardant low smoke
Rubber-sheated flexible cable.
Cu 5 450/750 V Eca 60 °C flame retardent
H07RN-F 90°C Premium
Rubber-sheathed, flexible cable.
Cu 5 450/750 V Eca 90 °C flame retardent
Harmonised rubber sheathed flexible cable with high temperature resistance.
Cu 5 450/750 V Eca 90 °C flame retardent
Zero halogen rubber-sheated flexible cable.
Cu 5 450/750 V Cca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
Heavy-duty, rubber cable for fixed and flexible operations as power supply cable.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV 90 °C
Heavy-duty, rubber-sheated flexible cable.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV 90 °C
Rubber-sheated flexible arc welding cable.
Cu 6 100 V 85 °C flame retardent
Rubber-sheated flexible cable.
Cu 5 1,8/3 kV Eca 90 °C flame retardent
None of the data sheets meet their filter criteria